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Mainly concentrated in the center of the Zhangzhou campus of the Xiamen University science and technology building, No. 1 building, teaching building, the use of an area of 14,000 square meters. Currently, the center have two provincial experimental teaching demonstration center and more than 20 professional laboratory. In addition to 15 full-time technicians and the Center hires teachers from the maternal university (Xiamen University) and the technical backbones from enterprises as its part-time staff.

The center have seven modules of advanced equipment including Mechanical Design and ManufacturingElectrical and ElectronicVehicle Engineering, RobetElectronic Production Technology, Power Systems and Comprehensive Innovations. Also, providing all types of workshop including Fitter, Cape Car, Conventional Milling, CNC Lathe, CNC Milling, CNC, Grinder, Welding, Disassembling as well as Laser Engraving and Processing Room, Robot and Motion Control Room, Electrical and Electronic Skills Training Rooms, Sensor Technology and Application Lab, Industrial Network Training Rooms, Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) Training Rooms, Exchangeability and Measurement Technology Laboratory, Power Electronics Technology Laboratory, Instrumentation and Process Control Room, Automobile Electronic Training Rooms, Automobile Structure Training Rooms, The Disassembling Lab, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Lab, Modern Power System and Training Rooms, Motor and Drive Training Rooms, Development and Design Innovation Room. In addition, the center have advanced  5-axis CNC Machining Center and the Machining Center imported from Japan, forming a complete system from basic skills, professional experimental course, manufacturing practice,  simulated factory training to cultivating of innovative ability. The center have achieve a comprehensive system of Machine Design and Processing, Combining Electrical and Electronics, Engineering Training and System Control, which fully respond to comprehensive application of mordern science and technology in industry and students receive scientific and systematic engineering training.

The center earnestly implement the TKK college idea and play high attention to cultivate the students' learning ability. In addition, the center effective organize open experiments and skills competition, achieving kinds of good results including more than 100 awards of national and provincial competitions, more than 100 kinds of undergraduate innovative projects, more than 40 national patents, moreover, the center also organized 12 skills match, such as the trials of 3D modeling contest (skills class), the trials of 3D CAD modeling, the “Shengqun Cup” MCU contest in Fujian Province and the metalwork contest.  More than 300 students every year joining in interest groups, achieving 75 undergraduate innovative projects, 16 national patents, 5 papers, 153 awards of competitions at or above province level, greatly improved the students' practical ability and comprehensive quality.